Project Description

The CASE project (Competencies for a sustainable socio-economic development) has addressed the need for new ways of teaching and learning methods as well as a strong cooperation between higher education and business to enhance a sustainable socio-economic development in general and new forms of sustainability-driven enterprises in particular.

CASE has aimed at changing the EU landscape of higher education institutions towards a stronger accentuation on new inter- and transdisciplinary ways of teaching and learning as well as sustainable entrepreneurial education, increasing university-business cooperation, new university spin-offs and start-ups in the area of sustainability-driven entrepreneurship.

What we have developed:

Needs analysis: Based on a qualitative research approach, in order to bring together perspectives of enterprises and universities concerning future collaboration as a possible starting-point for a long-lasting multi-stakeholder network, we created a needs analysis that summarizes concrete needs and necessary competencies for sustainability-driven entrepreneurship. → more (link)

Joint Master Programme: Building on the insights from the needs analysis CASE established the framework and basic elements of a new Joint Master Programme on “Sustainability-driven Entrepreneurship” for European universities. Here six sustainability-oriented thematic blocks are linked to a corresponding pedagogical framework. → more (link)

Pilot Testing: Nine innovative cooperation formats based on twenty-one university courses were tested and evaluated within the five regions of the CASE project address topics and methods important to foster competencies for sustainability-driven entrepreneurship.→ more (link)

Knowledge Platform: The CASE Knowledge Platform has been designed to translate major outcomes of CASE into practical, user-friendly information and animated short videos. It provides inspiring good practices and tools for collaboration between universities and partners from business and civil society. → more (link)

Practical cooperation guide: The practical cooperation guide features 9 cooperation formats showing concrete benefits, success factors and challenges during implementation phases. → more (link)

CASE Sustainability Performance & Competencies Tool: The Sustainability Performance and the Sustainability Competencies Tool are also available open access on the knowledge platform. Further, templates for research diaries or partnership contracts support implementation of straightforward university-business cooperation.→ more (link)

Project examples: 25 examples of Service Learning projects, Entrepreneurial projects, Social entrepreneurship projects and Eco-social design projects implemented in the five project regions are presented at the knowledge platform. → more (link)

And much more to be found on this Website


European Framework:
Knowledge Alliances are transnational, structured and result-driven projects, notably between higher education and business. Knowledge Alliances are open to any discipline, sector and to cross-sectoral cooperation. The partners share common goals and work together towards mutually beneficial results and outcomes.

The Consortium:
The Project Case – Competencies for a sustainable socio-economic development is one of ten EU-Projects out of 230 applicants which got accepted from the European Commission within the framework of the Programme “Erasmus Plus – Knowledge Alliances”. The project with a budget of 900.000 Euro has been implemented together with 10 Partners from five countries under the Coordination of the RCE Vienna located at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Target Groups and benefits
  • European universities with a focus of curriculum renewal towards competences for sustainable socio economic development and sustainability-driven entrepreneurship
    EU universities shall benefit greatly from the provision of innovation in teaching, learning and cooperation (open access to educations modules), which increases the excellency of problem focused research and teaching.
  • European companies with a focus on sustainability, environmental management and eco-innovations
    The KA shall provide competences and skills for a sustainable socio-economic development and sustainability-driven entrepreneurship. The EU economies will benefit from better educated / trained academics for the growing sector of a “green economy” as well as from an increased number of sustainability-driven university spin-offs.
  • European master students of all disciplines
    European students will have the benefit that their competencies for a “green economy” are strongly increased as well as they get in contact with the future employment market. Additionally, they will be motivated, educated and trained to start their own business. For students the KA offers multiple opportunities to acquire practical know how to socialize in business and working world, but also invites them to get to know other European universities and learning realities and to keep these contacts after the project has ended.

Dissemination Material:
From here: