CASE Knowledge Platform

The CASE Knowledge Platform supports you

to acquire competencies for sustainability-driven entrepreneurship. Find inspiring good practices and tools for collaboration between universities and partners from business and civil society.

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Why to cooperate?

Well-prepared cooperation projects lead to excellent results and win-win-win outcomes.

The combination of the ways of thinking of 4 universities – teachers and students – in the struggle for solutions to current problems makes the particular appeal and success of this teaching event.

Helga Kromp-Kolb BOKU Vienna, Head Center for Global Change and Sustainability, Austria

It was very inspiring to see that there are companies, which deeply implement the three dimensions of sustainability into their strategic agenda.

Amanda Österlin Developer Göteborgs Stad, Graduade Joint Master Program in Creative Sustainability, Sweden

To create a more just, peaceful, and more sustainable world, we all need more knowledge, competences and connecting values, as well as a stronger awareness of the need for such a change.

Evi Frei BMWFW, Coordination and Strategy Education for Sustainable Development, Austria

How to cooperate?

With enthusiasm, knowledge, inspiration and tools we are happy to share with you.

Inspiring good practices

Tested cooperation formats overview along with adaptation guidelines and practical examples.

Supportive Material and Tools

Applications to enhance and evaluate learning experiences to help your own project achieve excellence.

Supportive tools

Developing Sustainability-driven Entrepreneurship Education

Educating future entrepreneurs shall not only be based on acquiring knowledge but competencies.
That is why, apart from tools for cooperation, we encourage a deeper understanding of the following research results.

What competencies matter?

Learn more about the identified set of key competencies students should achieve.

How to teach?

Learning and teaching approaches that describe on a meta-level how learning should be facilitated

What to teach students?

Find the outline of an international joint master program “Sustainability-driven entrepreneurship”.

Get connected

with us and join networks on education for sustainable development and sustainability-driven entrepreneurship education

What to read?

Read publications about the philosophy behind the development process together with other academic resources.