CASE Workshops
Workshop on Knowledge Platform and Tools 18-20.5.2017, Brixen/South Tyrol
Presentation Public Event
Programme Public Event (German)
Workshop Impressions
Presentation Public Event
Programme Public Event (German)
Workshop Impressions
Teacher Workshop 11.11.2016, Vienna/Austria
Workshop Presentation (in German)
Workshop Programme (in German)
Workshop Presentation (in German)
Workshop Programme (in German)
Regional Workshop on Competencies for a sustainable economy 22.3.2016 Bolzano/Italy
Workshop Presentation (in German)
Workshop Programme (in German)
Workshop Presentation (in German)
Workshop Programme (in German)
Workshop on Evaluation and Master Curricula Development 15-17.3.2016 Brno/Czech Republic
Workshop Programme, March, 2016
Impressions from the workshop
Workshop Programme, March, 2016
Impressions from the workshop
Workshop on Learning from regional challenges with regard to sustainable development 12-13.1.2016 Vechta/Germany
Report Multistakeholderworkshop, Vechta, January, 2016
CASE Masterdraft_handout_January 2016
Report Multistakeholderworkshop, Vechta, January, 2016
CASE Masterdraft_handout_January 2016
Workshop on Master modules for sustainability-driven entrepreneurship 20.10.2015, Vienna/Austria
Multistakeholderworkshop Invitation and Programme, October, 2015
Protocoll group discussions
Impressions from the workshop
Multistakeholderworkshop Invitation and Programme, October, 2015
Protocoll group discussions
Impressions from the workshop
Workshop on Service Learning and Cooperation 19.10.2015, Vienna/Austria
Workshop Programme
Impressions from the workshop
Workshop Programme
Impressions from the workshop
Workshop on Teaching methods for inter- and transdisciplinary modules 27-28.7.2015, Vechta/Germany
Programme CASE Workshop, July, 2015
Methods Workshop Presentation, July, 2015
Impressions from the workshop
Programme CASE Workshop, July, 2015
Methods Workshop Presentation, July, 2015
Impressions from the workshop
Workshop on Sustainable socio-economic development and entrepreneurial skills for sustainability-driven entreprises 2-3.6.2015, Vienna/Austria
Report Multistakeholderworskhops, Vienna, June 2015
Impressions from the workshops
Report Multistakeholderworskhops, Vienna, June 2015
Impressions from the workshops
Hamburg 26-29.09.2017
Hamburg Sustainable Development Summit and Copernicus Alliances Conference
CASE Poster and Summary -
Lüneburg 11-15.09.2017
International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2017
CASE Presentation and Summary -
Tampere 27.08-02.09.2017
17th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction
CASE Poster and Summary -
Vechta 20.07.2017
Educational Research in International Contexts, 1st Vechta-Anhui Summer School of Teacher Education, Universität Vechta, Vechta
Presentation and CASE connection p.18-19 -
Brussels 8-9.12.2016
Thematic Cluster Meeting
CASE Presentation -
Krems 9.-10.11.2016
3rd Responsible Management Education Research Conference, Panel on SDGs in the University context
Conference proceedings -
Göttingen 2-3.11.2016
International Conference ‘Internationalization of the Curricula in German Higher Education: Concepts, Initiatives, Actions’
CASE presentation at the conference -
České Budějovice 15-16.9.2016
24th Annual Conference of Czech Association of Educational Research
CASE presentation on Designing a new Curricula as a social learning process -
Bozen 30.9.2016
The Big Picture. Long Night of Research.
CASE poster -
Vienna 14-15.9.2016
COPERNICUS Alliance Conference 2016: Sustainability Transformation of Science Systems
Interactive Session on cases of transdisciplinary teaching and learning -
Bolzano 1-3.09.2016
Summer School “Transformative Research and Development in Urban and Regional Environments. The Roles of Science, Methods, and Transdisciplinarity, Free University of Bozen
Presentation on Higher Education for Sustainable Development – Universities and Transformative Science
Dublin 23.-26.08.2016
European Conference on Educational Research 2016
Presentation on Innovative Approaches and Methods of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education for Sustainable Development and Entrepreneurship -
Vienna 14.7.2016
Kinderuni Wien
Kidsworkshop on sustainability-driven entreprises Radio feature about the workshop -
Krems 12.7.2016
Junge Uni
Lecture about Sustainability -
Vienna 25-26.2.2016
University Business Forum (UBF)
CASE presentation at the UBF special session about responsible cooperation CASE_Poster_at the UBF -
Vienna 22-23.2.2016
Growth in Transition Conference
Workshop about universities as education and training institutions for sustainability-oriented enterprises (in German) -
Brussels 26-27.01.2016
Thematic Cluster Meeting
CASE Presentation -
Lüneburg 14-16.01.2016
6. Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship (LCE2016)
CASE Presentation at LCE2016 about needs analysis -
Vienna 20-22.02.2015
Good Life for All Congress
Workshop Report on knowledge alliances and cooperations for sustainable urban development -
Madrid 24.11.2015
Copernicus Alliance Conference
Presentation about Transdisciplinary learning and teaching as answers to urban sustainability challenges -
Gothenburg 29.06.-02.07.2015
World Environmental Education Congress
CASE Workshop Presentation -
Bixen 21-23.05.2015
Think more about congress