The CASE knowledge alliance developed, a thematic and pedagogical outline for a master program on sustainability-driven entrepreneurship that can be implemented by as many universities as possible.
The master program is explicitly competence-, not only knowledge-oriented. Therefore, we were looking for teaching and learning methods that foster sustainability and entrepreneurial competencies like anticipatory thinking, creativity, opportunity-detection, strategic action competence and interpersonal, communication skills.
As entrepreneurs, students will address complex real-world sustainability problems within a business setting. So, we need to have learning settings where students get in touch with the world outside university as in service-learning projects with business partners or NGOs. That is one example how students can learn in a self-directed manner, in an inter- and transdisciplinary setting and through exchange with peers, mentors and role models.
To make the outline concrete, the six thematic blocks are organized in 16 modules for a two-year master program with 120 ECTS.