Spreading the results of CASE

Professor Marco Rieckmann, CASE team member from the University of Vechta, Germany, took the opportunity and gave presentations of CASE and its results at the European Conference on Educational Research in Dublin, Ireland, at the end of August and at the summer school “Transformative Research and Development in Urban and Regional Environments“ at the Free University of Bozen, Italy, in early September.
In Dublin, Professor Rieckmann informed the conference participants about innovative approaches and methods of teaching and learning in higher education for sustainable development and entrepreneurship. At the summer school in South Tyrol, he spoke about higher education for sustainable development and the role of universities in transformative science.
Both occasions acted as multipliers for the CASE activities on innovative methods of teaching and learning (Work Package 4 of the project) and prepared the ground for the upcoming pilot projects under CASE to be implemented this year in all five participating regions (Work Package 6).
Professor Rieckmann’s presentations can be found in the section “Presentations“ of the rubric „Workshops and Presentations“ in the sub-site „Results“.