CASE at the Annual Conference of the Czech Association of Educational Research

Evaluation and quality assurance are important parts of the CASE project. On 15 and 16 September 2016, the results of the CASE evaluation and quality assurance analysis were presented by Jan Činčera, CASE team member from Masaryk University Brno, at the 24th Annual Conference of the Czech Association of Educational Research in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.

In his presentation called “Designing New Curricula as a Social Learning Process”, Jan discussed what factors have been important for supporting the learning processes in the CASE consortium. Specifically, the importance of using facilitation strategies, supporting group dynamics, and processing the learning experience were highlighted.

The process of meeting with all the partners and sharing the perspectives on a new Joint Master Program offers a great opportunity for social learning. However, social learning can also be a difficult process when a group needs to invent its own best strategy for communication and cooperation. This is what was focused on in the analysis during the first part of the project in 2015-2016.

Furthermore, it was discussed what implications the CASE experiences may have for other teams designing sustainability-driven curricula at their universities. On the basis of the findings, it was recommended that curriculum designers should not ignore the necessity to create a supportive social environment in which all partners are aware of and share their goals. Group dynamics is a natural part of any cooperation and thus it should be properly facilitated. Last but not least, the processing of the ongoing experience is a crucial element that helps transforming the experience into learning.

Spreading the results of CASE

Professor Marco Rieckmann, CASE team member from the University of Vechta, Germany, took the opportunity and gave presentations of CASE and its results at the European Conference on Educational Research in Dublin, Ireland, at the end of August and at the summer school “Transformative Research and Development in Urban and Regional Environments“ at the Free University of Bozen, Italy, in early September.
In Dublin, Professor Rieckmann informed the conference participants about innovative approaches and methods of teaching and learning in higher education for sustainable development and entrepreneurship. At the summer school in South Tyrol, he spoke about higher education for sustainable development and the role of universities in transformative science.
Both occasions acted as multipliers for the CASE activities on innovative methods of teaching and learning (Work Package 4 of the project) and prepared the ground for the upcoming pilot projects under CASE to be implemented this year in all five participating regions (Work Package 6).
Professor Rieckmann’s presentations can be found in the section “Presentations“ of the rubric „Workshops and Presentations“ in the sub-site „Results“.

Sustainable education – the Swedish experience


Visby city wall

In mid May 2016, Gabriela Schaad and Mikael Olsson, CASE team members from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, met colleagues from other Swedish universities at Campus Gotland in Visby, Sweden, to exchange experiences and thoughts on sustainability education. The meeting was organised by HU2, a Swedish network for Higher Education for Sustainable Development.

Gabriela and Mikael presented the core aspects and elements of CASE and sought for potential for cooperation and synergies. The basis was set for further exchanges of information and possible future collaboration.

Raine Isaksson from Uppsala University informed on how to assess and estimate the universities’ sustainability efforts. The assessment aimed at creating a proposed synthesis of a generic perfect process, translating the perfect process into educational and learning processes and testing the process for Sweden using data from the national database and from university web pages.

Stefan Bengtsson from SWEDESD, the Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development, talked about SWEDESD´s work as national coordinator for the Global Action Plan (GAP).

Ulf Andersson from the University of Gothenburg informed on the Swedish Higher Education Authority’s commission of the Swedish government to evaluate the universities’ work with sustainable development, including ethics, poverty reduction, sustainable urbanization, democracy, and governance.

There was also a presentation of the one-year “Master in Sustainable Programme Management” at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland presented by Jenny Helin.

Finally, Ann-Sofie Köping Olsson and Peter Dobers talked about their mission to establish a Master degree in “Sustainable Society Development” at Södertörn University.

Pilot course in the Czech Republic

Jiri Novotny_farm Manner_photo by Ludek Certik

Jiri Novotny, farm Manner © Ludek Certik

About 20 students from Masaryk University Brno visited two eco-farmers and activists on 13 May 2016. The first farm is called Kudlov s.r.o. run by Jan Sveda. He bought the farm in June 2012. It is part of a bigger agricultural company, which already successfully works in the region. The aim is to breed cattle and sheep in a natural way, which helps to revive the soil after many years of intensive farming. In 2015, the production of milk and dairy products was opened. All these products are labeled BIO. Mr. Sveda himself is a very inspiring person with an unusual background. For example, he studied agriculture in Great Britain and was later employed by an Arabian sheikh. It was very inspiring to get insights from him.

The second farm Manner is active in the revitalization of rural landscape. Activist Jiri Novotný, head of Manner, wants to „give back a face“ to the landscape which was devasted in the fifties of the last century, which practically means to revive the soil, reduce impacts of floods, increase biodiversity etc. The farm also focuses on eco-farming, especially breeding cattle and sheep on grass cover, orchard farming and brewing.

The excursion was part of the course „Management of Rural Space“, which is one of the pilot courses within the CASE project. Pilot courses help to improve the preparation of the envisaged Joint Master degree program on sustainability-driven entrepreneurship.

Report by Petra Bernatíková, Masaryk University Brno

More info about Kudlov:

More info about Manner: 


Milestone towards the CASE network in South Tyrol

Presentation of the CASE needs analysis on 22 March 2016 at the Free University of Bolzano

Representatives of sustainable enterprises, Terra Institute and the Free University of Bolzano met on 22 March 2016 to discuss the results of the CASE needs analysis and to explore possibilities for implementation in South Tyrol. All entrepreneurs who were interview-partners in the needs analysis as well were highly interested in the outcomes and in further development of cooperation in the CASE project. Some of them have already concrete ideas for service-learning projects regarding various sustainability issues of their enterprises.

A pilot lecture “Competencies for sustainable entrepreneurship”, which is planned for the winter semester 2016/2017 at the Free University of Bolzano, will provide the appropriate frame to test this kind of transdisciplinary cooperation. As a further step towards a closer network, a newsletter was initiated so as to keep the partners informed about the latest developments in CASE.