Our new CASE team member, Dr. Antje Disterheft from Vechta University
The CASE team met together on 16th and 17th February 2017 in the Czech Republic, this time at the Faculty of Social Studies (Masaryk University) in Brno. In the beginning of the workshop we welcomed two new team members Antje Disterheft from Universität Vechta and Ester Konarova from Masaryk University. During the workshop we were focusing on an intense discussion about the CASE Knowledge platform which will go online in May 2017. The platform will provide tools for collaboration between universities and partners from business and civil society in order to develop competencies for transformation towards sustainability.
CASE team in front of the Vila Tugendhat in Brno
The short afternoon break offered us time to non-formal discussion of related topics and visiting the unique architecture master piece Vila Tugendhat. The timeless architectonical design awakened us to further intensively discuss the current pilot evaluations of various innovative courses tested in the CASE regions.
At the end of workshop we concentrated on the future Master’s Program as well as forthcoming events and conferences where we want to present CASE outputs. The CASE project is slowly getting closer to a final part and we are really looking forward to presenting our work on a final event in Vienna in the beginning of November 2017!